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Congratulations to our 2024 Summit Racing Equipment Index Series Presented by 501 Performance Track Champions!
5.50 Index: John Sahli
6.00 Index: Andrew Williamson
6.50 Index: John Janu III
7.00 Index: Scott Chitty
Rules & Procedures
5.50 Index
- No timer controlled throttle stops.
- Reserved for full-body cars and trucks only.
- Engine diapers are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED (not mandatory)
- All run field.
- Pro ladder.
- Two rounds of qualifying.
- .400 pro tree.
- NO deep staging permitted.
- Must follow IHRA Safety Rules.
6.00 | 6.50 | 7.00 Indexes
- No delay boxes.
- No timer controlled throttle stops.
- Must have steel roof and quarter panels.
- Reserved for full-body cars and trucks only.
- Engine diapers are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED (not mandatory)
- All run field.
- Pro ladder.
- Two rounds of qualifying.
- All classes will run ⅛ mile.
- 6.00 class is .400 pro tree.
- 6.50 | 7.00 are .500 pro tree.
- NO deep staging permitted.
- Must follow IHRA Safety Rules.
GENERAL (all classes)
Payout (per class)
- Winner = $800
- Runner Up = $300
- Semis = $100
- Entry Fee (Car & Driver) = $65
**Payout will be a combination of Summit Racing Equipment Gift Cards & Cash**
**Minimum of 10 cars in the first round to receive full payout. If less than 10 cars the payout will be prorated**
Class Call
- Two calls will be given. If driver/car is a no-show, and the first pair of cars fire up in your class, your run is forfeited (qualifying and eliminations).
Qualifying Procedure
- Lane Assignments will be given to each driver prior to qualifying or drivers will be instructed on which lane to take at head of staging.
- Car must make a qualifying run in each lane.
- Two qualifying runs maximum, unless otherwise noted by track officials.
Class Decals
- Sponsor, series, and class decals required for all classes (checked at tech).
- Failure to display supplied decals will result in forfeiture of any payment.
- All decals supplied must be displayed on car at each race/every round:
Starting Line
- Track crew and driver/crew members ONLY! Maximum # of crew on starting line (6).
- Car must pre-stage under own power to receive round money.
- All dispute decisions will be made by track officials/race director.
Compliance of Rules
Each participant expressly agrees that by entering a Dragway 42 event, the participant will be bound by all of the decisions, rules and regulations of Dragway 42 including all procedures provided for in the Dragway 42 Rules & Procedures and by the decisions, and regulations which are applicable to a particular event, including those of the track and the track’s sanctioning body. The participant agrees to be bound by and abide by the decisions of the track officials/race director at all events. The participant also agrees that all decisions made before, during or after an event are final and may not be appealed or made part of, or the basis of, litigation and hereby agrees to release and waive from liability and not to bring any action against Dragway 42, race directors, track officials, the race track operator, track safety equipment, event sponsors and all other event officials for any loss, damage or injury caused by malfunctioning electronic or mechanical equipment whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
The participant further agrees that any dispute concerning any event, the rules and regulations of Dragway 42 or any decisions rendered by dragway race directors or track officials, shall be resolved pursuant to the procedures provided for in this Rules & Procedures document.
The participant agrees to indemnify and to hold Dragway 42 harmless for any costs or loss incurred as a result of the failure of the participant to comply with the rules, regulations and procedures provided for herein.
Any competitor found NOT to be in compliance with the rules, regulations, restrictions and procedures as set forth by Dragway 42 will be disqualified. Disqualification may lead to forfeiture of all or a portion of monetary awards – to be determined at the discretion of the track officials/race director.
Participants must follow all rules & regulations set forth by Dragway 42
(subject to change)